You are welcome to taste another worthy adult stuff – Kamihime R! It’s considered to be the best-selling adult game in the world. It’s really so. This porn game boasts enormous potential. It’s a Japanese adventure role-playing game that offers you to to take part in extremely cool battles in which you can return the lost kingdoms. These kingdoms are stuffed with anime characters inspired by famous mythological creatures.
Here you can count on regular updates, new items, new characters, and new abilities.
In addition to this, the title comes with special events. The game is available to anybody and you are free to play it whenever you want and wherever you want.
Now let us tell just a few words about the plot. So, here the whole action takes place in ancient times when the civilization of magicians flourished. The civilization was destroyed by Ragnarok. Thousands of years later, this civilization is a ghost filled with dark powers that can only be stopped by the magic power of Kamihime. You and your old friend Alice find the Device, and from this moment you are ready for a tough battle.